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Belgrade: Day 5

Molly Scarborough

Today was a day of reflection.

Today I took the morning to rehearse in my room whilst the others rehearsed at Magacin.

I met the rest of the group and then we went for a walk.

We stopped for a coffee, or in my case, a Sprite and we continued on our way.

Nela, Lidija & Nina had booked us on a river cruise so after we had gone for a walk it was time to make our way to the other side of the river. We walked & talked over the bridge and through a nice park until we reached our destination.

After our river cruise we had 15 minutes to make it to the performance at Bitef Teatar - we tried called many taxi companies and we tried hailing them at the side of the road but all the taxis were booked - so unfortunately we missed the performance. However we went into the performance space afterwards to join the Critical Practice discussion.

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